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a resource page for fitness professionals


All Fitness Professionals: Here's the skinny on how COUCH to ACTIVE supports the success of your clients.

Personal Trainers: It's no secret that consistently showing up to exercise is the #1 struggle of most clients. You can provide amazing programs in an incredible facility with the perfect people skills, and still clients will struggle to consistently return. The COUCH to ACTIVE book helps your clients solve their at-home personal barriers that keep them from consistently returning to you. The book is not an exercise program! You still help your clients find a program that meets their unique needs while the COUCH to ACTIVE book helps them break barriers and create new habits.

Gym/Club Owners: You need your clients to return to your establishment so you can focus on client results and quit spinning your wheels on client acquisition. The COUCH to ACTIVE book is an easy recommendation you can make for new club members.

What is the COUCH to ACTIVE book? This book takes readers through a step-by-step journey to solve their own barriers to consistent exercise. By developing self-advocacy skills and self-compassion, breaking stereotypes, and powering up their support circles, readers will finally find it possible to modify behavior and create a life they love. 

What are the products? We have three main products. 

  1. The COUCH to ACTIVE book.

  2. The COUCH to ACTIVE premium program. Clients work through the book with Lyn Lindbergh as their coach. Coaching sessions are online via phone.

  3. Book Club Resources. For less than the price of buying one book, you also get a book club leader's guide and finisher stickers.

Is COUCH to Active competition for my gym or fitness business? No. Quite the opposite, we help people get back to an active lifestyle they love. The book starts by teaching your clients how to get the people in their lives to support their exercise goals in a positive and empowering way. It then moves on to identifying and breaking barriers to fitness motivation and helps your clients to truly own their lives like never before. It further goes on to help clients make peace with barriers in their lives that are here to stay and then finishes with a two-year plan to ensure they can escape a setback.

Who is the perfect person for the book? I am a middle-aged woman who spent over 20 years in corporate offices in senior manager roles, and I was a single mother for 10 years. I also have several chronic health issues that make exercise motivation more challenging for me than for a person with no existing health conditions. If your clients have any struggles similar to mine, they will very closely relate to the book. In the book, I encourage people to break through their stereotypes of who does what kind of fitness, and I help people figure out how to truly advocate for themselves. If your clients are high-performers in other areas of their lives, but struggle to prioritize their own health and fitness, then this is the book for them. 

Are there book discounts? Need 10 or 5,000 books? Check out the current book club offerings or request additional information from

How do I pitch this book to my clients?  Here's sample text you are welcome to copy/paste in communication with clients. "It's no secret that the hardest part of exercising consistently is actually getting started every single day. Most people will make the mistake of saying they just need more grit or self-discipline. However, this is not a helpful solution. The COUCH to ACTIVE book helps readers learn how to make exercise a more of a natural part of their lives. Lyn wrote the book as if she was your friend having a light-hearted chat with a cup of coffee. If conquering the couch were easy, we'd already be doing it. COUCH to ACTIVE gets you there. This book costs less than one missed personal trainer session, so make the investment to help yourself get the most out of your commitment to your trainer or gym."

Who is Lyn Lindbergh? I am the author of the book COUCH to ACTIVE and a certified Personal Trainer, Pilates Instructor, and Group Fitness Instructor with a degree in Education and 20 years experience working in senior management roles for large corporations. When it comes to the real struggle to exercise consistently, I get it. Learn more about me here.

What if I am a Healthcare Professional or Dietitian? Click here to see how this book is being used in the healthcare industry.

Can I see an outline of the book? The outline of the book is in our overview for healthcare professionals.

Is COUCH to ACTIVE affiliated with multi-level marketing or the promotion of other products? 

No. There are so many MLMs out there that I find I need to call out up front that we are not an MLM or affiliated with any MLM.

Other questions? Contact Lyn directly at

A free Resource

The home page of this website has an email sign up that looks just like the one below. Sign up now, and you'll experience the free resources that your clients could also receive for free. 

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I know the market is completely saturated with all kinds of scammers and it can be hard to know who to trust.

Here's a few fun facts about me.

  • I live in the Seattle, WA area.

  • Yes this really is an unfiltered real photo of me and my hubby in front of Safeco Field. Go Mariners! Our photographer, Jim Fagiolo shot this after the photo shoot for the book. We took the photo so quickly that I didn't even get our moving gloves out of the picture!

  • I am an ACE certified Personal Trainer, Group Fitness, and Mat Pilates certified.

  • The book is top quality. A high-end design firm and editing team made this book shine!

  • Google me Lyn Lindbergh, or my hubby, Erik Lindbergh. We live quite an interesting and adventurous life.  We also both live with chronic health issues that fuel our passion for helping others escape from gravity.

Thank you for taking the time to read through these resources for fitness professionals. I hope you find them helpful.

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© 2024 Couch to Active - 10855 Silverdale Way NW #843, Silverdale, WA 98383-9998. +1 (206) 672-2070

COUCH to ACTIVE is a registered trademark

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