Thank you to all of you absolutely wonderful COUCH to ACTIVE enthusiasts, friends, and family. I have exciting news to share! The COUCH to ACTIVE book that many of you have purchased and reviewed was awarded a Best Book Awards finalist title! This is a "big deal" award. There were over 2,000 books entered in many different categories. I submitted in the "Diet & Exercise" category. My book was competing and won against PhD's who published traditionally. Whoohoo! How does one self-publish an award winning non-fiction book? With massive passion and help.
Passion It's no surprise that the topic of helping people stay active is my passion project. I want us to find ways to be active. Even more so, I want people to feel the freedom I have found in creating an active lifestyle they love, one that brings joy and not drudgery or pain. I had a powerful team of help. I published with the help of a core team that worked with me weekly for months. Leanna at Weller Smith Designs created the design, my editor Amy Rose Davis, my initial advisor Dr. Beth Bromboz, exec admin Tess, and many others mentioned in the book credits. Thank you all!

I also want to give a special shout-out to my hubby Erik. About a year ago, he came home from a long trip and as he walked through our front door I announced, "Honey, I'm going to write a book. I hired a design firm and an editor, but first I want to buy a velvet couch. Then I'm going to need your help hauling the couch to downtown Seattle so Jim Fagiolo can take pictures of me jumping on the couch for the cover of the book." Yep, Erik's a gem.

I am also certain that the reviews you wrote on Amazon helped with the book award. Thank you again. If you have the book and haven't reviewed it on Amazon, please do. I've submitted for several additional book awards and the judging for those starts this month. You can submit your Amazon review here. A simple 5-star is great! You don't need to write a lengthy paragraph, many have already done this for you. Now I'm shifting my focus fully back the important work - YOU! How can you create an active lifestyle you love? What has held you back from following through with your desire to exercise more? What happened to 2018? Why is this important to you today? Do you believe it is possible to make exercise an enjoyable part of your life? I do, because I did it. And now, I'd like to help you do the same. After two years of work, I've finally got COUCH to ACTIVE fully up and running. I have the book, podcast, online courses, support group, and 1-1 coaching in place. Head over and check out the newly updated website.
I'm so grateful to have such an incredible group of people in my life and hope you are having a wonderful New Year!
Sincerely, Lyn Lindbergh Your bad couch guru. Ps - Surprise!