This is episode is part of a nine week series covering the entire COUCH to ACTIVE book. Here we talk about how to own creating your solution and your success story.
Homework for this episode.
Your Assignment:
Decide today that you are going to once and for all own your success. You are no longer going to wait for permission from someone else or wait until you have a health crisis that forces you to make the change.
Get Your Free Finisher Sticker!
Lyn is giving away free finisher stickers to anyone who completes all 9 weeks of this series.
To get your free finisher sticker:
Listen to all 9 episodes in this series. (This is episode 4 of 9)
Email your mailing address to with a statement of how COUCH to ACTIVE has helped you.
Lyn will send your finisher sticker to you in the good 'ol fashioned snail mail.
Sticker Update for 2019: We will definitely have enough stickers to last through 2019. You may email for your sticker today, but remember, to be a true finisher you must promise yourself that you will listen to all 9 of these episodes as they are released.
Get a copy of Lyn Lindbergh's award winning book on Amazon.
The COUCH to ACTIVE Podcast is hosted by award winning author Lyn Lindbergh.
Mentioned in this Episode
Barriers List
Owning your success
Own your opinions
Own your time
Own your heart
Own your sleep
Own your healing
Breaking Barriers